Week 21: A meaningless ranting on life.

Type: A blog post.

Writer’s note: I hope & pray this doesn’t come off as jargon to anyone.

One time I had gone with my dad to solve a phone issue at a kiosk just near the busy federal express road. I wouldn’t remember now if there was traffic on this day but I remember at that moment, I looked at the world from the lens of one of these travelers.

Now that I think about it, I believe there was a pause. Nothing could have just made me divert my thoughts to that all of a sudden. There must have been traffic on this day and I must have seen one of these drivers held in traffic. I believe he looked my way too.

This is an environment where I normally remain indoors most time. This is because I rarely come home, and when I am at home, there is nothing that makes me come outside, except on this day, my phone was faulty. It made me realize that in one of these travelers’ stories, I was just a random unknown person and that they most likely view the world from a focus where it’s only theirs and their loved ones’ lives that matter to them.  I’m particularly talking about this driver that I saw now. I know this, because some days, I’m on the road traveling somewhere as well, I look at the trees, and the big buildings, and if I were to write about them, I would only be able to write from my perspective. I would also believe that the center of the attention of the world is on me, and that time and space work in my direction. It’s no wonder the moon and the sun followed me as a kid too.

I thought a little too far on this day too. I thought to myself that if God makes it so; that this driver sees me on the television fifteen years to that time, a known celebrity, a respected person, and someone who he celebrates too, he would most likely feel like he has not seen me before and that he hopes that he sees me one day before he leaves this world because it would be a great honor to him, unknown to him that he had seen me before.

Is it not funny how even the eyes cannot remember all that they have seen despite how much they function in the now?

Is it not funny that when we are about to describe our yesterday, we can not remember all that happened in every minute of that day, including our thoughts for that day too?

I am not King Solomon. I’m not sure I’m as wise as him too. But I have looked at the world several times and the only conclusion I can make is that everything is vanity.

It’s like an endless pursuit of nothing. There’s nothing to hold on to, I’m sorry, but there’s just nothing.

Is it food? You can’t even savor the sweetness forever. You will eventually have to swallow it. The taste will have to leave your mouth after a while too.

Is it beauty? It’s never really permanent. You will eventually meet greater beauties out there and realize that maybe yours has never really been the permanent standard. And even when it is, we will all die one day, you can never own the attention forever, a greater beauty will have to someday walk the earth too, and then you will realize, it’s just two eyes, two ears, one nose, lips and the other things that make up the face.

I hear it’s the same with mating too. Once you reach the height of orgasm and realize there is no greater height or climax than that. You will realize everything is just an endless cycle or pursuit of the same thing and that pleasure is really just what God has given us to keep us going. There is nothing so deep in pleasure more than the superficial we experience. This pleasure can’t be more alive or expressive than it has shown us.

I could go on and on about the many haphazard and supposedly organized thoughts in my head, and that science must think themselves wise to have been able to propose laws and theories from the knowledge of the universe.

If you ask me, I would say that it happened only because God wanted it so, and if it’s not one of the solid truths of the universe, it won’t be long before another one of them finds the imbalance in it sooner or later.

I have come to a conclusion again and again that the Gospel is the only thing that makes sense about this earth. That humans and sins now almost live with the same breath and genes, whether we know it or not. The message of the gospel is the only true peace for everyone.

I will never really believe that there is an atheist anywhere too. I can understand a bit why anyone will not find the gospel message logical enough, but that no one is the owner of the earth and the universe in general? Must be the greatest fool the earth has ever had to bear of a human. And if you are like why do some of these atheists go-ahead to do big things or propose “true laws”, believe me, I don’t know right now too. But I bet even science realizes that their truths may not really have a foundation from which it springs too. Nothing here is solid. Only the truth of the gospel is. Jesus is Lord!

P.S: I have a detailed article that may help you a little if you are curious about the logic behind the gospel. Search RWC-038-03-06.

You may also enjoy reading the book of Ecclesiastes if you are lost in your thoughts about this world.

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