Week 15: The Praise of God.

Type: A Blog Post(Spoken Words)

The photographer zoomed in on the Flamingos as they perched in the waters with the sound of their flapping wings announcing itself as soon as they took their flight. They must have been disturbed by a force unseen to the viewers of the cinematography.

The Black Man carried his legs like a god, with his rod in his arms, and his pieces of jewelry dancing around his waist and wrist. He probably felt like His Majesty as he strolled the land alongside the lake.

The small child felt the world was a place of bliss, and that his culture should be everything. He had never felt there was more to the world, and probably will not for a long time. He was okay with what he was seeing. This is bliss to him. With his wrapper tied half around his chest-with his left nipple left opened for us to see, some beads relative to his culture alone, tied to his wrist and neck, and ears which looked like they were sharper, he stared at the viewers of the moving image.

Oh Tanzania, look at your land, the beauty of your valley or your waterfall that gushes out extensively and abundantly with no end to it; and the color-pure, as though it is the cloud itself. This is power; waves of water of which no force could start or stop.

The animals on the field ran for their lives as the predator approached and zoomed in on them faster this time; which I’m guessing is the drone in the sky. The birds ran for their lives too, even though the sky was supposed to be their safe space. The predator was in their territory, so they had to run for a better space to hide; but all the viewers could still see was beauty and the majestic humility and simplicity in creation-simple but exhilarating, all of which God’s excellence is collectively declared.

The brave ones; the explorers, who had come in their four-wheeled motion machine at a speed the earth in the area, of which the peace of God silently screams, could feel.

The ostriches gathered to form a circle in the richly colored field, flapping their wings while still being very cautious about whether there was a predator to run from or not.

The Zebras with their monochrome stripes galloped for their lives too, with their butts jiggling in a very artistic manner… Isn’t this what David talked about in Psalms 19;1-the wonders of God?

The great mighty white-spotted Africa Hawk with its wide feathers flapped its wings as though it was ready to announce the birthing of a great king or the setting of one’s destiny with its curved mouth.

The sheep, the waving grass, even the motion machine; everything is to bring glory to this God.

The Black woman shone with teeth that would make you focus on them, and a smile like the Earth’s beauty itself.

The man whose ears were curved, whether by nature or culture, but was clearly okay with it, shone too, with his rigid cheekbones and rounded mouth that did not show less of God’s beauty.

Then the explorers in all their glory, the world too, the valley, the air that surrounded the area; everything screamed and declared the mightiness of God in their own distinct way.

And the skies; blending their colors to match the sunset and sunrise of a new day.

This is beauty. This is what the Lord has made. Let Him be praised forevermore.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them, He has set a tabernacle for the sun,” Psalms 19:1-4NKJV.

Content Inspiration: The Niyi Fagbemi Instagram Video Post.

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